
See also : Ghosts | Damned | Demons

Lilith - Demons Hunter RPG Being book


Female demon conception (next Lajla), poisons, death, destruction, disease and prostitution that harms newborns (male in the eighth, and the female to the twentieth day after the birth, among others, for not bringing epilepsy - with Naam) and pregnant women the mother of all demons. In addition, the first woman and the bride bad angel Samael (Satan). Sometimes it is also called the Great Whore of Revelation, triple goddess of Heaven, Earth and Hell (the same title suitable Rahab). In Kabbalah demon Friday. Its name comes from the Sumerian word rather lil (wind) than from the Hebrew Lailah (night).


First of all, Lilith is the first woman and the first wife of Adam, created in the same way as he (the land of Eden). Although introduced her husband to the secrets of magic and gave birth to more than a hundred children, refused to obey him, and fled. At the request of Adam, God sent three angels (Sansenoja, Senoja and Semangelofa) that brought her back. Even in the face of threats of killing by God every one of her demonic children, Lilith refused to return to Adam. "Zohar" describes it as "the essence of fiery passionate female who had sex with the first man," but when God created Eve, "lifted into the air and flew over the sea of ​​red", where still "trying to ensnare humanity". In the Bible Lilith is mentioned only once - in Isaiah 34, 14: 15: "(...), and even the demon will be called his companion. Indeed, there nightjar breathe and find a place of rest. There's a snake - an arrow made a nest and lays eggs and gather them under its shadow. ". Lilith is called the owl mud, bitch, ghost or spirit of the desert.


Presented it as a naked, beautiful woman whose body goes into a hose tangles. The rabbis considered her main temptress, demonic wife and mother of Adam Cain, who "will live and harm to man until the messianic era, when God finally eradicate evil and filth from the surface of the Earth". Lilith, harming the human race, used a variety of names, of which seventeen under duress revealed to the prophet Elijah. Los-once an angel of divine providence, "worker ever." He was to be the fourth of the immortals, spouse and father Orka Enitharmon as well as one of the creators of the universe, the builder of the time and the artist who created the Golgonooza, city arts. After his fall he tried to give the world a new shape: "I'm at that dark Prophet, as against six thousand years / was expelled from the womb of Eternity". Los symbolizes imagination and poetry; sometimes identified with Lucifer.